So we've all seen the news about the tariff situation between America and Canada. Trump is threatening Canada with 25% tariffs, meanwhile Justin Trudeau is threatening this:

Needless to say, it's an interesting time to be a North American.
But now we've got some photos from a photographer up in Ontario, Canada, that are being interpreted as a sort of analogy of this U.S., Canada "trade war": A Canadian goose takes on a bald eagle.
Let's take a look:
First, the goose thinks it has a chance (which it technically does):
Then, the eagle puts its game face on:
The goose tries to seem strong in the face of the eagle:
The eagle makes one move towards the goose and the goose runs away:
Finally, the eagle dominates the goose:

Here's the caption:
Raptors play a role in keeping numbers in check and taking out the sick and weak. Not often does one see our apex raptor, the American Bald Eagle attempting to take down a Canada Goose.
For close to twenty minutes, one attacked and the other desperately defended. Finally, the eagle gave up, the goose was spared..
Two unhappy sides to this encounter-
1) Despite putting up a fight, the goose had all the symptoms of Avian Influenza . It survived the encounter with the eagle but would certainly soon succumb to the virus, the injuries and the cold.
2) The eagles, while doing their job, contract the virus from infected waterfowl like this one. In the last two years, we have lost many Bald eagles to the virus.
If you haven't figured it out yet, the eagle always wins this battle. Unless, of course, the geese are able to make it leave somehow.
So keep honking, Canada, and you just might be dinner.
Just make sure you don't give us that virus you have, cuz we don't quite have herd immunity to wokeness, and we're still working on the vaccine.
I won't go into any more analysis, though I will give you the internet's best reactions to the above photos:
Pretty much sums it up!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇