Russell Moore says Colorado removing Trump from ballot "isn't breaking of norms" on Christianity Today podcast
· Jan 5, 2024 ·

Former Southern Baptist leader, current Christianity Today Editor-In-Chief, and all-around knucklehead Russell Moore has emerged from his cave again this election season to warn of the dangers of Orange Man Bad™.

Our boy Woke Preacher Clips is back with this doozy from Moore:

And this (removing Trump from Colorado's ballot) actually isn't breaking of norms. This is the court looking at a constitutional question that is contested and making a ruling.

And if what the court rules is, "this isn't what the 14th Amendment is addressing" talking about those who led insurrection against the United States with the Confederate government who were not convicted either.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, he honestly thinks removing Trump from the 2024 ballot is reasonable because Confederate leaders weren't convicted?

He's comparing Trump - a US president who has never been charged or convicted with insurrection in any court and is on tape telling people to go home, not be violent, and to respect police during the J6 riot - to BEING A CONFEDERATE LEADER IN THE CIVIL WAR??

I'm struggling right now with that "let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt" command the Apostle Paul gave us. This is what happens when a faithful brother in Christ starts ingesting small lies until he is able to accept a large one, such as J6 being an "insurrection." From there, it's a small moral leap to all sorts of injustice. May the Holy Spirit discipline and correct those on that trajectory!

If they say this doesn't fit with the 14th Amendment, then normal America is going to do what Al Gore did in 2000 and say, "the court has ruled, we're moving forward."

That's not norm breaking. That's what the norms are.

"Normal America" probably means something different to Moore than the rest of us, as evidenced by the fact that he went on to throw out Al Gore, of all people, as an example of a gracious loser in the courts.

Beyond parody.

Here's the wider context where Moore makes a bizarre claim that Trump is dangerous for "doxxing" Colorado judges. Something I haven't found reported anywhere.

Also, Moore complains about doxxing judges, but I don't seem to remember him saying anything about the man who tried to assassinate Kavanaugh in the wake of the Dobbs leak.

Christianity Today also wonders if other states will be brave like Colorado and kick the bad orange man off the ballot as well.

Here's more Moore, in case you can't get enough.

Yeah. Russell Moore has taken Christianity Today to full and utter Trump Derangement-land. He only had to sacrifice the truth to do it.

Church leaders like this are a real gift to the Enemy!

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