Remember back In June when Joe Biden completely embarrassed himself on the debate stage, forcing Democrats to finally admit that the man was falling apart?
Remember how quickly the party elites rushed to remove him from the ballot?
Karine Jean-Pierre remembers, and it's actually worse that we thought. Here's Karine with some details:
Look, personally, I think what was the toughest thing to see in the three weeks was there was a disconnect for me [in] what was happening with leadership in the Democratic Party and how it was truly, as my former colleague, Communications Director Ben Labolt said, it was a firing squad and I had never seen anything like it before. I had never seen a party do that in the way that they did, and it was hurtful and sad to see that happening - a firing squad around a person who I believe was a true patriot, a person who I believe did everything that he can for this country, a person who I believe, as I mentioned before, has done more in one term than most presidents had done in two terms - historical things - and I was shocked by what I was seeing.
I had never seen anything like that. That was - if you're asking me the thing I saw in those three weeks - that was shocking. Shocking.

Not sure if she was supposed to let the cat out of the bag like that!
And I sure hope she doesn't have any paddle-boarding outings planned in the near future.
We'll probably never know what happened during those three weeks when Joe Biden was replaced by Kamala Harris, but it's starting to look like, as we had imagined, the elites within the Democratic Party quickly pushed Joe out in a disrespectful manner and threw Kamala into the fire where she simply burned to shreds and (politically) died.
Here are a few more clues we gave you back in summer:
Again, they put up so much fog during those three weeks, it's hard to put together what happened.
I'll leave you with this, because it was maybe the highlight of the year as far as Biden gaffes go:
Democrats, please, please, please, get in a fight over this new revelation from KJP!! It's what the world needs!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇