Report: Iowa school shooting suspect identified himself as "trans nonbinary" on social media
· Jan 5, 2024 ·

The horrific school shooting in Perry, Iowa, on Wednesday may add to the growing list of mass shooters who identify as LGBT.

From The Daily Mail:

The teenage Iowa school shooter - who killed one child and injured five others, including his principal - turned the gun on himself after his rampage, cops said.

[Redacted] 17, who was a senior at Perry High School, opened fire on Thursday morning - shooting dead a sixth grader who attended Perry's Middle School.

(We don't publish the names of shooters on this site, particularly in the rare cases when the shooters themselves are children.)

School Principal Dan Marbuger was also injured and taken to the hospital for emergency surgery.

The killer was obviously disturbed and unwell. Reporter Andy Ngo, meanwhile, claims that he had a "social media footprint showing he was trans nonbinary."

From his alleged TikTok account:

The Post Millennial reports that at least one of his videos was "accompanied with trans flag emojis as well as the hashtag 'genderfluid'."

Another account linked to the shooter reportedly "shows the pronouns 'he/they'." In still another case, a social media post indicated the young man might have been seeking "transitioning:"

A Reddit account believed to belong to [redacted] posted on the board r/Trans in response to the question "for those who haven't started transitioning yet. What's holding you back?"

The [user name] ... said, "I don't want to look ugly."

Here is a screenshot from Reduxx:

The Post Millennial notes this account said he "preferred 'hotdogs for days‘ and professed a love for My Little Pony."

And according to Libs of TikTok, another one of the shooter's videos allegedly contained a transgender support message:

Law enforcement are reportedly investigating the social media assets, but many expect there to be silence from authorities on the motive for the shooting, perceiving a trend where community leaders, federal agencies, and the media do not want to add to a growing list of LGBT-identified shooters across America.

Whether or not this latest shooter actually identified as trans/nonbinary and ran these social accounts will be difficult to fully verify unless police and the media do their duty and report the facts with transparency.

That seems to be a difficult undertaking these days.

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