Ahoy, matey! There be pirates in these waters! At least that's what passengers aboard a luxury cruise were told when their ship entered dangerous waters on its maiden voyage.

As reported by The New York Post:
Passengers on board a Cunard Cruise Line ship received an ominous warning last week as the luxury ocean liner navigated pirate-prone waters in Southeast Asia during its 111-night maiden world voyage.
A 111 night cruise?
The unexpected announcement alerted travelers aboard the Queen Anne that heightened security measures would be implemented as the 1,060-foot-long vessel crossed the Sulu and Celebes seas — a passageway with a long history of piracy and maritime crime, according to footage shared on TikTok.
The cruise, tickets for which reportedly started at $16,379 per person, was en route to the Philippines when passengers were notified of the heightened danger.
'This area is known for piracy threats,' Capt. Inger Klein said in her startling announcement.
'Therefore we will be operating at a heightened level of security alertness during this period. The external promenade deck will be closed on both sides from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. overnight between the night of 14th and 15th of March. And no guests will be allowed access during these times for the duration of the transit.'
'I would like to emphasize that the safety and security of the ship, all guests and crew onboard is my highest priority.'
'I assure you that measures to prevent any unlikely incident have been well planned and the likelihood of this happening on a big ship like Queen Anne is absolutely minimal.'
"Minimal." That's a long way from "non-existent."
The ship is scheduled to return to its port of origin in Hamburg, Germany on April 29th.

If they make it, that is.
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